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Thursday 19 July 2012

Warfarin toxicity management

Pharmacology and management of the Vitamin K antagonists: American College of Chest physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines/ Chest 2008

Thursday 6 October 2011

Normal ECG

Normal ECG characteristics

Rhythm: Regular (<10% variation at RR intervals)
Rate: 60-100 per minute

Sunday 2 October 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

Tips for studying Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine (IM) is a big part of Medicine in general (the other two are surgery and laboratory medicine) which has it's own mentality and way of thinking. While studying IM, knowledge is not the only  goal you should have but approaching that kind of logic is something you should achieve, too. For that reason reading an IM textbook is less than enough. So these are some tips for approaching IM from an holistic point of view:

Thursday 3 February 2011

Felson’s 10 Axioms for a Lifetime of Learning Medicine

Felson’s 10 Axioms for a Lifetime of Learning Medicine

  1. You like it, you’ll learn it; so learn to like it.
  2. Principles are as important as facts. If you master the principles, you can make up the facts.

What Internal Medicine textbook do you use?